The former-MOS only confirms many people's suspicion that candidates who stand for elections in PAP tickets, are afraid of standing up against tough opposition teams.
Who stood against Chiam See Tong when he was MP of Potong Pasir? Who stood against Low Thia Khiang when he was in-charge of Hougang? Almost nobodies.
Contrast this with Low This Khiang going up against George Yeo and Chiam See Tong going up against Wong Kan Seng. The strongmen of the opposition certainly seem to be made of tougher material, than their counterparts in the ruling party.
Will a high-flying PAP man ever lead the charge in opposition held wards come the next election?
PAP also admitted that they were not able to attract the 1st-liner talent and hence were forced to field 2nd- and 3rd-liners in GE 2011.
That's how they ended up with the Tin Pei Lings, Foo Mee Hars, Gan Thiam Pohs, etc.
If one has conviction and commitment, why would one join a political party that exhibits such less-than-sterling qualities?
A political party that:
(a) Almost demands sycophancy;
(b) Operates "volunteer reward" schemes for grassroot leaders (eg, tiered into Platinum, Gold, etc levels for benefit/priority entitlement in exchange for so-called "volunteerism");
(c) Disrespects the contributions of even their own party's MPs as Second and Third Readings of Bills in Parliament are typically collapsed into one and ministerial replies can be tangential as rigour in further debate and challenge is not so "kosher";
(d) Has no qualms to skew a whole host of rules to their benefit (eg, providing dinner/transport for rally attendees, HDB Lift Upgrading priority only for PAP voters, CCC Adviser in opposition ward appointed by PA Chairman who is the Sec Gen of the ruling party, etc).
Birds of a feather flock together.
I would be very wary even of "association".
We know that managing agents form the backbone running town councils both in PAP and non-PAP wards. The job of the MP is not so difficult, if you hire the right company and people to do the job.
Aljunied was lost because of PAP's policy of importing cheap foreign labour. If the PAP were to stop the influx of foreigners and lower the cost of housing, you'll see PAP taking back Aljunied.
WP Low took very little risk in coming out of Hougang. The WP just rode of the wave of discontent with PAP policy.
On record, we see and hear very little of WP Low Tiah Kiang or NMP Slyvia Ang. I don’t remember them organizing any event that benefitted Singaporeans. All they did do is to serve the residents of Hougang. I would have voted for the PAP if all I care about is better service for my precinct.
From the record too, I saw little of George Yeo making the effort while still MP for Aljunied GRC. And the publicity I hear about the two women PAP MPs were adverse ones.
IMO, LTK and SL and team won because they are credible personalities versus the PAP MPs.
LHL wouldn't dare to venture from his 'custom-built' constituency and GRC. It takes a lot of effort for them to gerrymander and shift HDB residents around to protect him. He has always had such arrangement from the days he was a youngster, to NS to politics newbie and up to the present.IT IS DIFFICULT NOT TO SUCCEED WITH SUCH 'SPECIAL' TREATMENT THANKS TO DAD AND MUM.
On a fool or sycopant wouldn't see it.
From the record too, I saw little of George Yeo making the effort while still MP for Aljunied GRC. And the publicity I hear about the two women PAP MPs were adverse ones.
IMO, LTK and SL and team won because they are credible personalities versus the PAP MPs.
LHL wouldn't dare to venture from his 'custom-built' constituency and GRC. It takes a lot of effort for them to gerrymander and shift HDB residents around to protect him. He has always had such arrangement from the days he was a youngster, to NS to politics newbie and up to the present.IT IS DIFFICULT NOT TO SUCCEED WITH SUCH 'SPECIAL' TREATMENT THANKS TO DAD AND MUM.
On a fool or sycopant wouldn't see it.