But having said that, it is still not right for those that subscribe to one belief system to impose their views on others who subscribe to another. Christianity and secularism are diametrically opposed belief systems.
If one that subscribe to one set of system, feels offended by the other's intrusion, be it in their children's school, or work place, or in their personal space, or wherever else, then the one who is aggrieved, can always set in motion another movement to counter the other's message.
Or better still they can and should exercise their right as a parent and voice out their objection to the school about their child being subjected to another belief system; and if necessary, even withdraw the child from the school.
But to infiltrate an organisation that has a totally different world-view and to try and align it with your belief system, no matter how 'well-meaning' their intentions were, is still WRONG!
The 'new' guards at AWARE would have won the admiration of many if they had chosen to work with organisations that are aligned with their own world-view like Focus on the Family, to lobby their value system to the community. Instead of doing this, the 'new' team of AWARE has chosen to impose their brand of righteousness on the others.
A prophet named Isaiah once said, "All our righteousness is like filthy rags". The takeover by the 'new guards' in AWARE certainly looks like an exercise of self-righteousness!